Monday, June 18, 2007

Miami Chapter Update

Here is a report from our Miami Chapter:

VIERNES, JUNIO 8, 2007/ Friday, June 8, 2007
RESUMEN PARA TODOS/ Summary to all
De Xiomara Pages

La tertulia dirigida por Xiomara Pages, escritora/periodista/motivadora, y Ruben Soto, escritor y director del Latin Writers’ Group, y autor del libro infantil bilingue, “la Princesa Maria” hubo de celebrarse en casa de Xiomara, este viernes pasado, 8 de junio.
The Tertulia directed by Xiomara Pages, writer/journalist/motivational speaker, and Ruben Soto, writer, and director of Latin Writers’ Group and author of the children’s bilingual book, “Princess Maria”, took place at the home of Xiomara, this past Friday, June 8th.

A pesar de las fuertes lluvias, nos reunimos mas de 20 personas, (de origen cubano, peruano, puertorriqueno, uruguayo, y argentino), y no solo escuchamos poemas, declamaciones, lecturas de parrafos de algun libro, y anecdotas de los presentes, sino que tambien pudimos disfrutar de Pintura y escuchar lindas canciones.
In spite of the rain, we gathered 20 people (from Cuban, Peruvian, Puertorican, Uruguayan, and Argentinian origins), and not only did we listen to poems, readings of excerpts from books, and anecdotes, but we enjoyed Paintings and listened to beautiful songs, as well.

Ruben Soto, hablo de su reciente viaje a San Antonio, Texas, donde se reunio con su antiguo grupo de escritores, y nos exhorto a asistir al proximo seminario que Xiomara Pages impartira para escritores y para aquellos que tengan inquietudes de escribir, el proximo sabado, 23 de Junio, en su hogar. Xiomara dio lectura a un poema, enviado por email desde Colombia, del poeta Hector Corredor Cuervo, titulado: “Himno Hispanoamericano.”
Ruben Soto, told us about his recent trip to San Antonio, Texas, where he joined his old group of writers, and he invited us to assist to the next workshop for writers and writers to be, that Xiomara will offer on Saturday, June 23, at her home. Xiomara read a poem sent via email, from Colombian poet: Hector Corredor Cuervo, ...”Hispanic-american Hymn.”

Contamos con la presencia de Gabriela (Gabi) Orejas, Nora Marti, y Susana Morris, que aunque no trajeron ningun poema a leer, nos regalaron sus sonrisas y sus aplausos, y nos dieron algunas sugerencias para futuras tertulias. Angela Lopez nos declamo exitosamente su poema dedicado a la obra de Cirilo Villaverde: Cecilia Valdes. Oswaldo Lugo (Tito) nos leyo algo muy comico, que nos hizo reir a todos, mientras que Mario Salgado, nos leyo algunos poemas de su tio anciano de 83 anos: Rafael Salgado, que tienen mucha filosofia y sabiduria para todos, como por ejemplo,
“ El Cristo de afuera. “ Cástulo Gregorisch, nos leyo algunos de sus poemas dedicados a Cuba, y vino acompanado de su amable esposa Sonia.
Gabriela (Gabi) Orejas, Nora Marti, and Susana Morris, did not present any work, but gave us their smiles, applauses and suggestions for next tertulias. Angela Lopez recited her poem dedicated to Cecilia Valdes, from the book of Cirilo Villaverde. Oswlado Lugo (Tito) read a very funny article that made us laugh a good while. Mario Salgado, read poems from an old uncle of 83, Rafael Salgado, with philosophical connotations and wisdom, like “The Christ outside”. Castulo Gregorisch, read some of his poems dedicated to Cuba, and was accompanied by his kind wife Sonia.

Clara Fontanilles nos compartio una triste “carta al esposo que se marcho”.....como expresada por una mujer divorciada. Luego Irene Fernandez y Magaly Fernandez, nos leyeron fragmentos del ultimo libro de Paulo Coehlo.
Clara Fontanilles, shared a “letter to the husband who left us” expressing the pain of a divorced woman. Irene Fernandez and Magaly Fernandez, read excerpts from a book of Paulo Coehlo.

El gran poeta cubano Luis Casas, nos ofrecio una brillante y conmovedora declamacion de su lindo poema, “El Faro”. El poeta peruano Frank Otero Luque y su esposa Roxana, tuvieron que irse de emergencia, al recibir una llamada, pero antes pudieron compartirnos el gusto de estar presentes, y nos hablaron del Instituto de Cultura Peruana en Miami, y de la gran obra de su director Ricardo Calderon. Raul Garcia-Huerta y su esposa Carmen, nos compartieron mucho de su trayectoria como esposos, como artistas, y Raul nos presento una de sus lindas pinturas hechas en Espana durante su residencia en ese pais por 18 anos: “ La Ventana”, que todos tuvimos oportunidad de interpretar, y nos quedamos impresionados con las explicaciones de Raul.
The great Cuban poet Luis Casas, recited his beautiful poem, “The Lighthouse”. The Peruvian poet, Frank Otero Luque and his wife Roxana, had to leave early due to an urgent phone call, but shared with us their delight to be here and expressed nice comments about Ricardo Calderon director of the Peruvian Cultural Institute. Raul Garcia-Huerta and wife Carmen, shared with us anecdotes of their married life, their work as artists, and Raul exhibited one of his beautiful paintings, made during his 18 year residency in Spain, “The Window”, and we all had the opportunity to express our own interpreation of the painting, and were delighted to hear Raul’s explanations.

Alain De Leon, un cubano MATANCERO, de pura zepa, nos hablo de su amor por la poesia y nos interpreto unos lindos versos a unos “ojos secretos.” Luego para cerrar con broche de oro, Nelson Jimenez, un joven trovador cubano, nos ofrecio algunas canciones de su autoria, acompanado de su guitarra.
Alain De Leon, a Cuban, pure from Matanzas, talked about his love for poetry and read one of his poems to “secret eyes.” Later, Nelson Jimenez, a young Cuban ‘trovador’, offered several songs of his own creation, accompanied by his guitar.

Tambien Xiomara nos leyo uno de sus poemas, y nos hablo y repartio informacion sobre varios grupos de arte y cultura en Miami, como The Cove/Rincon, Club Cultural de Miami Atenea, Arte Insomne, Instituto de Cultura Peruana, y nos hablo de otros muchos eventos como los del Centro Cultural Espanol y algunos otros. Xiomara tambien nos repartio revistas del Cove/Rincon, planillas del Atenea, y la publicacion Linden Magazine editada por nuestra querida amiga Belkis Cuza Male, desde Texas, donde ella reside. Belkis es columnista del Miami Herald, y directora, ademas de pintora, de La Casa Azul Cubana. Algunos periodicos, Art Deco Tropical, se repartieron.
Xiomara read one of her poems, and explained about the different cultural groups in Miami dedicated to Art and Literature, e.g., The Cove/Rincon, Atenea, Arte Insomne, Institute of Peruvian Culture, and of the many events, like the ones offered by the Spanish Cultural Center. Xiomara distributed magazines and pamphlets from the different organizations (The Cove/Rincon, and membership cards from Atenea), and also the Linden Magazine, published in Texas, by Belkis Cuza Male, columnist of the Miami Herald. She lives in Texas, and besides being a painter, is the director of La Casa Azul Cubana. Several Art Deco Tropical Newspapers were given to some.

Finalizamos esta linda tertulia cantando todos juntos con Nelson en su guitarra, canciones conocidas, al compas de maracas (Clara Fontanilles), de Tumbadoras (Castulo), y sobresalian entre otras voces las de Mario Salgado, Xiomara, y Clarita. Mas tarde, compartimos de los platillos sabrosos y vinos, que todos trajimos. La proxima tertulia sera anunciada, en una fecha de Septiembre, ya que estas no son en un dia fijo ni todos los meses.
La idea es la de engrandecer a nuestra comunidad con arte y cultura, y unirnos todos en hermandad.
We ended this beautiful tertulia, singing known songs, together with Nelson and his guitar, with maracas (Clara Fontanilles), Tumbadoras (Castulo), y we could hear among other voices, the ones from Mario Salgado, Xiomara and Clarita. Later, we all shared the good food and wine we all brought to the gathering.
Next Tertulia will be in September, it will be announced, since they are not on an specific date nor every month.
The idea is to enhance our community with the arts and culture, and be united in friendship.