Monday meeting re-cap

The first monthly meeting for 2011 of the Society of Latino and Hispanic Writers of San Antonio was held on Monday, January 10 at 7:30 p.m., at Barnes and Noble, San Pedro Crossing.
Our featured presenter was Diane Gonzales Bertrand.
Her talk focused on language, specifically ways to use words to create memorable imagery, description, pacing, and tension.
Diane used a couple of her class exercises for practice during the meeting. The exercises were designed to be helpful whether the writer writes in English or Spanish. With a smile, she stated tonight she wouldn’t be the only one talking.
The first exercise was a list of seven words. The member used descriptive phrases to evoke imagery for the words. Diane pointed out that it was interesting to see how each writer has a unique voice. The second exercise was a list of several words. Diane instructed members to pick one word which inspired us and write for 4 minutes to create an image. Halloween was celebrated last fall, but for some reason several members picked the word “cemetery”.
Diane teaches creative writing and composition at St. Mary’s University, where she is Writer-in-Residence. She is the author of twenty novels and picture books for children and teens. A writer since childhood, Diane has also published poetry, essays, and articles about writing. She is a strong advocate for literacy, and presents workshops for writers of all levels at libraries, schools, and community centers.
She’ll return in March to present a workshop on developing and sustaining a longer work, specifically a novel.
Lupe M. Gonzalez
Writing stories by and about Latinas and their lives and loves.
Released Sep 23, 2009 - A Love for Eternity, TWRP, Vintage Miniature Rose
Too Late For Romance? (Debut Book, Jun 2008, The Wild Rose Press)
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