Sunday, September 11, 2011

Monday's Meeting

Working on a writing piece and not quite sure if it appeals to a general audience? Want to know how to improve it? Join the Society of Latino and Hispanic Writers of San Antonio for a Writing Roulette Critique presented by Jackie Mendez on Monday, September 12, 2011. Bring a piece no longer than 5 minutes long and have it read individually by several members. By the time we're through you'll have lots of feedback in writing. All fictional genres welcome.

Jackie Mendez has a Masters degree in Education and Bachelors in Liberal Arts. She is a contributing author to two pieces for Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul (Grandma's Recipe and A Bridge to Freedom). Her short story, A Shadow to Call her Own, was published by Amazon Her self-published urban fantasy novel, Heart of the Jaguar, is the first of a series of novels for young adults.