Tuesday, July 08, 2008

2008 SA Writers' Guild Annual Contest



The San Antonio Writers' Guild annual writing contest features five categories in the fiction, non-fiction, and poetry fields and is open to all writers. The deadline for entry is the first Thursday of October. Cash prizes are given in each category. The contest is open to members of the San Antonio Writers' Guild and to non-members.

Fiction categories:
Novel, first chapter, 5,000-word limit
Short story, 4,000-word limit

Non-fiction categories:
Book, first chapter, 5,000-word limit
Essay, memoir, or article 2,500-word limit

Poetry category:
One to three poems equal one entry for fee purposes. Each poem will be judged individually. There is a 40-line limit per poem, any style, any genre.

First place will receive $100, second place $50, and third place $25 for acceptable entries. Acceptable entries are those that meet contest format guidelines and are not grossly flawed due to excessive spelling or grammatical errors.

Cash prizes in each category are not based on the number of entries per category. All advertised prize money may not be awarded. If no acceptable entries are received in a category, no prize will be awarded in that category.

Contest Rules
1. The contest is open to any writer.
2. The non-refundable entry fee is $20 for non-members and $10 for members, payable by check or money order only, to the San Antonio Writers' Guild.
3. Each writer may submit entries in up to three different categories. A writer may receive an award in each category entered.
4. Each writer may submit up to two entries in each category. However, a writer may not receive more than one award per category.
5. Entries that do not meet the submission guidelines or do not fit the contest categories (such as screen plays, plays, or movie scripts) will not be considered and the entry fee will be forfeit.
6. All entries must be previously unpublished in any paying medium. Entries may be submitted for publication and in other contests at time of entry. If the entry is accepted for publication after being submitted and the entry is suitable for the anthology, the entry may not be included in any anthology the Guild may publish.
7. Entries may be submitted to the contest coordinator at the September or October meeting or mailed to the Guild's post office address.

San Antonio Writers GuildP.O. Box 34775San Antonio, TX 78265

Mailed entries must be postmarked by the deadline date (October 2, 2008) and received by the following Wednesday. The San Antonio Writers' Guild is not responsible for lost, misdirected, or undelivered manuscripts.

The deadline for hand-delivered submissions is Thursday, October 2, 2008, at the monthly Guild meeting.

Late entries will not be accepted.

Submission Guidelines
Submit two copies of each entry, typed and double-spaced with one-inch margins, on white 8.5" x 11" paper, pages numbered. The font must be Times New Roman 12 pt. or Courier 10 pt.
Do not fold or staple the entries.

The title and category must appear in the upper right corner or the upper left hand corner of each page. The title of the work must be on the first page near the top and before the text of the work.

The author's name must not be on any page except the entry form. The entry form should list the author's name, the title of the work, and the category. Entry forms are available on the Web site, from the contest coordinator, or at the guild meeting when turning in the entry. The contest coordinator or his/her assistants may help the writer determine what category their entry fits.
Place both copies of the entry and the completed entry form and the contest fee (check or money order only) in the entry envelope. Print the title of the entry and the category on the outside of the envelope. DO NOT print your name on the envelope. Entry envelopes will be available from the contest coordinator or at the guild meetings. If submitting more than one entry, each entry must be in a separate envelope. Each entry must have its own entry form.

Up to three poems may be included in one entry, but each poem should be on (a) separate page(s). All three poems are to be included in the same envelope with just one entry form listing up to three poem titles.

Entrants may write one check to cover all entry fees, but each entry must have its own entry form as stated above.

Manuscripts will be available for return to entrants who attend the December meeting.
If you cannot attend in December and want your entry returned, please provide a SASE. Entries not accompanied by a SASE or not picked up at the December meeting will be destroyed.

Memorial Prize
The winning entry in non-fiction essay will be designated as The Lorraine Berenson Memorial Award winner. The first place money of $100 is funded from the Lorraine Berenson memorial endowment.