Mary Lou Barrera Presents...
February SLHW Meeting
Featuring: Mary Lou Barrera
Monday, Feb. 14
Barnes and Noble, San Pedro Crossing
7:30 p.m.
Mary Lou Barrera will conduct a talk on Public Speaking for Today's Writers. She will walk you from the all important call from your agent to the accolades you will receive once your speech is done.
It is not a simple thing to give a speech as everyone knows; how you prepare is one of the most important factors. Throwing in a barrage of words is not one of them. There are six steps to a successful conclusion. Mary Lou will give you an overview of each step in a fun, demonstrative class-like setting.
Mary Lou was trained in public speaking by instructors from the military. She was attached as a volunteer during the Desert Storm conflict to the 90Th Army Reserve Command. She was instrumental in helping to train a core of women volunteers, and later helped organize husband and wife teams to travel through a five-state area to help form Family Support Groups. She would instruct the group leaders to become advocates for the families left behind while their spouses were at war.
During her tenure at Kelly AFB, while assigned to the Distribution area, she became the Hispanic tour lecturer for visiting dignitaries and military personnel from various South American, Central American and European countries. As time went by, she acquired a modicum of proficiency and became a bilingual tour speaker for several of the buildings in the Distribution area.
Mary Lou advises: When you attend a lecture, you are not expected to become a polished professional speaker. You are not expected to gain perfection through this lecture. Expertise is gained through years of study and application of your knowledge to your area of study.
Featuring: Mary Lou Barrera
Monday, Feb. 14
Barnes and Noble, San Pedro Crossing
7:30 p.m.
Mary Lou Barrera will conduct a talk on Public Speaking for Today's Writers. She will walk you from the all important call from your agent to the accolades you will receive once your speech is done.
It is not a simple thing to give a speech as everyone knows; how you prepare is one of the most important factors. Throwing in a barrage of words is not one of them. There are six steps to a successful conclusion. Mary Lou will give you an overview of each step in a fun, demonstrative class-like setting.
Mary Lou was trained in public speaking by instructors from the military. She was attached as a volunteer during the Desert Storm conflict to the 90Th Army Reserve Command. She was instrumental in helping to train a core of women volunteers, and later helped organize husband and wife teams to travel through a five-state area to help form Family Support Groups. She would instruct the group leaders to become advocates for the families left behind while their spouses were at war.
During her tenure at Kelly AFB, while assigned to the Distribution area, she became the Hispanic tour lecturer for visiting dignitaries and military personnel from various South American, Central American and European countries. As time went by, she acquired a modicum of proficiency and became a bilingual tour speaker for several of the buildings in the Distribution area.
Mary Lou advises: When you attend a lecture, you are not expected to become a polished professional speaker. You are not expected to gain perfection through this lecture. Expertise is gained through years of study and application of your knowledge to your area of study.
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