Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Magic Moment Contest

The Magic Moment Contest

Sponsored by The San Antonio Romance Authors

We want to see the pivotal, breakthrough moment from your manuscript. Entries will be in electronic format and should be no more than 20 pages in length; entries should also include a 1-2 page set-up to explain the context of the scene.

Entrants may be published or unpublished, but manuscript cannot be contracted for publication at the time of entry.

Entry Fees:
$20 per entry for San Antonio Romance Authors members; $25 for nonmembers.

Entry Deadline:
All entries and payments must be received by March 1, 2008, 12pm CST.

Three published and/or trained unpublished authors. All contestants will receive a score sheet from each judge. In addition, judges are encouraged to write comments on the manuscript.

Categories and Final Judges:
. Short/Long Contemporary - Susan Litman, Harlequin
. Single Title - TBA
. Paranormal - Hilary Sares, Editor, Kensington Books
. Historical - TBA, Avon
. Erotica - Raelene Gorlinski, Editor-in-Chief, Ellora's Cave

All finalists will receive a certificate and be listed in the RWR. Winners for each category will receive a plaque and a year's electronic subscription to the San Antonio Romance Author's The Love Letter.

Questions and Entry Information: Please visit our website at http://sararwa.net/contest.htm or contact the Contest Chairs, Beckie Ugolini and Margaret Batschelet, at merrittcontest@ sararwa.net

Contest Coordinators
Short/Long Contemporary: Patricia Walters-Fischer, paw1067@yahoo.com

Historical: Tamra Westberry, iwritefunny@yahoo.com

Paranormal: Sydney Alfrido at salfrido@csc.com

Single Title: Judith Rochelle at storyscribe@ctesc.net

Erotica: Shayla Kersten at shayla@shaylakersten.com