Monday, March 16, 2009

Voices de la Luna

From the Editors of Voices de la Luna:

Dear Literary Enthusiasts,

Thanks to the strong 27-member Editorial Committee of Voices de la Luna, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit literary organization, shored up by hard-working staff, a supportive Board of Directors, and the generous sponsors, we are proud to present to you the advanced digital version of:

Voices de la Luna
A Quarterly Poetry and Arts Magazine
15 March 2009 edition
Volume I, Number 3

The Web Address:
Please Donate...We Need Your Help

Please enjoy reading all 29 pages including Questions for Bob Flynn, poems by award winning authors, seeing Kelley’s invaluable family art collection, and watching video clips of Billy Collins, Palmer Hall, Marian Haddad, and Josie Mixon in this unique Poetry and Arts Magazine, originating in San Antonio.

We welcome your comments and suggestions.

The Editors:
James Brandenburg
Mo H. Saidi