Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center Presentation
3 One Act plays (and some poetry)
Written and performed by The Teen Arts Puentes Project
Friday, May 16th at 8PM, Saturday, May 17th at 3PM, and Sunday, May 18th at 3PM
Guadalupe Theater, 1301 Guadalupe Street, Tickets: $5
A proud movie producer risks his job to green light quality art films over blockbusters.
The government secretly manipulates a journalist to love another woman.
A young girl tries to cope with her volatile dysfunctional family.
All this and more (in less than 90 minutes)!
Teen Arts Puentes Project Summer Intensive
7 week summer arts program at the GCAC
Open to all San Antonio Teens ages 13-17
Program runs June 9th to August 1st
Application deadline: May 23rd
Mandatory open house interviews: May 24th
Full Scholarship given to all teens accepted into the program (Must become GCAC member)
Applications available at GCAC offices. Applications will soon be available online at
For more information on the Teen Arts Puentes Project contact Vincent Toro at:
(210) 271-3151 ext. 26 or, or visit and
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Northwest Vista College to Celebrate Trindad Sanchez Works!
Northwest Vista College Hosts First Annual Poetry Vista and Borderlines:
Drawing Border Lives Exhibit
Back-to-Back Events Recognize Poetry and the Arts in South Texas
San Antonio, TX (April 11, 2008) — On April 24th, during the week of Fiesta San Antonio, Northwest Vista College celebrates poetry and the arts with back-to-back events. Guest artist Reefka Schneider and writer Steven Schneider will present a discussion on South Texas border culture and talk about their featured exhibit, Borderlines: Drawing Border Lives. The exhibit, currently on display at Northwest Vista College through April 30th, features works inspired by the everyday lives of people who live and work along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Immediately following the discussion, the winner of the Trinidad Sanchez Jr. Border Lines Poetry Contest will be announced as Northwest Vista College celebrates the First Annual NVC Poetry Vista.
“The Trinidad Sanchez Jr. Borderlines Poetry Award honors the work of a local poet who has inspired San Antonio students for years,” said Assistant Professor of English and event co-organizer, Natalia Treviño. “His message of respect for all people reminds us to reflect on our attitudes and actions toward each other.”
NVC Poetry Vista will feature readings by area poets that include Jesse Cardona, Trey Moore and Fernando Flores. In addition, Regina Chavez y Sanchez, widow of Trinidad Sanchez, will read from her late husband’s work and talk about his commitment to the community.
"This event provides renowned regional poets and artists an opportunity to engage in a dialogue on the relationship between literature and the arts,” said NVC Instructor of Fine Arts, Tim Jones.
Reefka Schneider, member of the Portrait Society of America, is a prize-winning artist who lives in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. Reefka’s art work was recently chosen to be one of eight artists featured in Writing Towards Hope: The Literature of Human Rights in Latin America. She has also recently published four drawings from the Exhibit in the Afro-Hispanic Review (Vanderbilt University Press, January, 2008).
Steven Schneider is a prize-winning poet whose poems have been published internationally in such journals as Critical Quarterly, Prairie Schooner, and American Life in Poetry. He is the author of several books and the Director of New Programs and Special Projects at the University of Texas-Pan American in Edinburg, Texas.
Guest speakers Reefka and Steven Schneider and the First Annual NVC Poetry Vista will take place on Thursday, April 24th, starting at 10:00 a.m., inside the NVC Huisache Hall Banquet Room. All events are free and open to the public. For more information contact Tim Jones at 348-2281 or Natalia Trevino at 348-2074.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Mark Twain
Rest in Peace, my literary friend. Thank you for all the wonderful words you left behind.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
South Texas College Project
Attention ALL Educators or prospective teachers and writers interested in publishing your work online:
Doctor Carol Groman from the English dept at South Texas college is working on a curriculum for my novel for young adults to teach an entry level composition 1 class. Her students range from all writing levels from the 8th- 12th grade, so if you are a middle school teacher, you certainly qualify.
She is asking for 4 chapter lessons for the novel for chapters 5-15. You may submit consecutive or random chapters as long as there are four lessons in the submissions. For example, you can chose to submit lessons for chapters 5,6, 7, and 8 or any four random chapters between 5-15 (e.g. 7,10,12, 14). If selected, you will be paid $75 for the approval, and the work will be posted on the novel's website, giving you credit for the work.
Please note that she will edit the material according to her criteria and may use one or all of the lessons submitted. Nevertheless, you will maintain full authorship for the work.
How does she want the lesson? That is entirely up to you as long as the instruction is meaningful (and not busy work), and that part of it also encourages writing. She is looking for innovative and creative people, so they do not have to necessarily be in the teaching profession, but it helps.
A hard copy of the novel may be purchased on Amazon, or you may get the revised Ebook version at the website for $4 less the retail price ($5.95). (Read below for submission guidelines)
This is an excellent opportunity to get some exposure and earn a little extra cash, so why not go for it! Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. Abraham Cowley (read below for submission guidelines)
Best of luck!
"A Shadow to Call Her Own" Amazon shorts
"A Bridge to Freedom" and "Grandma's Recipe" CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE LATINO SOUL
"Am I the Only One Who is Outraged?!" HANGPROUD.COM
Submission guidelines:DEADLINE, JUNE 30, 2008
For email queries:
Email query to Dr. Carol Burks at:
On subject line write: Heart of the Jaguar lesson submission (include the four chapters you are submitting)
Include a short, one page bio, contact information (address, contact email, phone number, etc.), and how you would like your name to appear on the website should your work be accepted (you may include personal website links as well). Please do not send attachments as those will not be opened due to malilcious viruses. Post everything on the email.
Aside from the lesson, also include a one-paragraph description and objective for the work, and just a reminder, attachments will not be opened. Please post everything on the email.
You will be contacted within 4-8 weeks (email queries may receive a response within a week, but please allow a maximum of 8 weeks.)
Mailing queries:
Include a short, one page bio, contact information (address, contact email, phone number, etc.), and how you would like your name to appear on the website should your work be accepted (you may include personal website links as well).
With each lesson include a one-paragraph description and objective for the work.
Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope and please allow 4-8 weeks for a response.
Mail queries to:
Attn: Dr. Carol Groman
14427 Brookhollow, ste. 213
San Antonio, TX 78232
Friday, April 18, 2008
Helotes "Help Wanted"
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Cinco Minutos with You!
Thank you to everyone who attended last night's monthly meeting of "Cinco Minutos with You." It was one of our largest gatherings and everyone afterwards kept commenting that the stories and poems read were some of the most beautiful writings they have heard!
The picture at the top of the page shows almost everyone who read last night--(Kneeling) Lourdes Nunez, (Left to Right) Bertha Jacobson, Maria G. Madrid, Jose Caraballo, Mary Lou Barrera, Robert Garcia, Martha Curcio and Sandy Garcia. The other photo shows our youngest participant in "Cinco Minutos with You" ever! It is Alejandra Wagnon, age 7. She introduced herself to the group and stated "I want to be a writer when I grow up." We are very happy that she picked us for one of her first public readings!
Our next monthly meeting is Monday, May 12, at the Barnes and Noble (San Pedro Crossing) at 7:30 p.m. and it will feature Jhon Alexander Ruiz Marin, who will speak to us about his writing techniques, his experiences with Trafford Publishing and his experiences as a POW while serving his country of Columbia.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Texas Film Commission Notice
“Untitled San Antonio Film Project”
is looking for
South Texas Anglo females
ages 18 – 50
to be interviewed for research on authentic Texas accents
Please call Andrew or Becky at
212-989-1038 extension 205
to be considered for a one-hour audio interview.
“Untitled San Antonio Film Project” is working with the Texas Film Commission.
Deadline: April 30, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Monday's Meeting
Please make every effort to attend Monday's meeting of the Society of Latino and Hispanic Writers of San Antonio. This month we will be featuring the works of 10 of our members in an event we call "Cinco Minutos with You."
We may also have a guest speaker representing a new Tejano magazine based out of San Antonio, that I believe is looking for writers/stories.
The meeting is Monday, April 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the Barnes and Noble, San Pedro Crossing. Our meeting location in Barnes and Noble will be different than usual, but in the general vincinity.
Here's a note from Lupe Gonzalez, our Vice President:
I joined a blogging group called Authors and Books. I blogged today and I'll continue to blog there on a regular basis. Please check it out and let other readers of romance know about it
and learn about upcoming and established writers of romance
Please remember to check our Society's blogsite frequently!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
SA Current Feature
I was very delighted to see that in the April 9-15 edition of the San Antonio Current, page 21, two Society officers, Martha Curcio and Sandy Garcia, are featured along with Belza Ramos in an article entitled "Mujeres of prose."
The article is about their work as members in "The Mujeres Writing Group," and their performance during the literary festival sponsored by Our Lady of the Lake University. Congratulations, Ladies, we are all proud of your literary achievements!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Latino Issues Forum
DATE: Saturday, April 12, 2008
TIME: 1 p.m.
LOCATION: Our Lady of the Lake University
411 S.W. 24th St.
Providence West Social Room
DETAILS: Free panel discussion features
Speakers include:
Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez, associate director of the Center for Mexican American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. Rivas-Rodriguez spearheaded a campaign to include interviews with Hispanic veterans in a PBS documentary on World War II.
Rodolfo Rosales, associate professor of political science at UTSA, is co-editor of six-city Latino Urban Agency, which addresses the political diversity in the Latino community that emerges out of the differing historical and economic conditions from city to city.
Karl Eschbach, interim director of the Texas State Data Center and associate professor at the Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research at the UTSA, has studied demographic information relating to racial and ethnic populations.
Federico Subervi is director of Latinos and Media Project and professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Texas State University in San Marcos. His research includes Hispanic Journalists Network Brownout in 2005: The portrayal of Latinos in Network Television News.
Dr. Liliana Oakes is a resident geriatric coordinator for curriculum development in the department of Family and Community Medicine at the UTHSC in San Antonio. Her research includes primary and multidisciplinary care of the elderly and end of life issues.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Stan Lee Workshop

I wanted to share information on a workshop featuring Stan Lee! Yes, that Stan Lee of comic superhero fame!!
The workshop is being put together by our sister Society in Miami and the Biscayne Writers. Below is information forwarded to me by our President Emeritus, Ruben Soto:
Biscayne Writers and the Society for Latino and Hispanic Writers of Miamihost a series of writing workshops that will take you from"Once upon a time..." to "Happily ever after" in 9 months.
For more information on the workshops and registration click on the link below.
Also check out future workshops on Biscayne Writers website's main page.
We thank Kemila Velan (of Biscayne Writers and who is an officer of the Society's chapter in Miami) for coordinating these fabulous workshops where writers from all over the nation can participate.
Help spread the word!
Monday, April 07, 2008
Congratulations, Junot Diaz

Spanish Group Meeting Tonight
Hola a todos:
Aquí está la lista de personas que nos acompañaron en nuestra junta del grupo de español el pasado mes de Marzo, entre
ellos contamos con nuevos miembros, ¡Bienvenidos!
Magda y André Csihas, Enrique Carstens, Ezra Nahmad, Berta Jacobson, Adon Yisrael, Diana Lardizabal, Alejandro Rengifo, Silvia Goodman, Ralph Freeman, Florence Weinberg, Ma. Gabriela Madrid, Gustavo Rodríguez, Martha Curcio.
Los compañeros que participaron en la lectura fueron:
Enrique, Gaby, Alejandro, Adon, André y Martha.
¡Gracias por compartir con nosotros!
Queremos felicitar especialmente a André Csihas por el importante proyecto en el que está trabajando arduamente, la traducción al español del libro Las Cigüeñas de la Caridad de la escritora Florence Weinberg, quien también estuvo presente. En un futuro cercano hay planes de llevar está historia a la pantalla grande en España, por eso es necesaria la traducción de este libro al español.
FELICIDADES André por el maravilloso trabajo que pudimos disfrutar cuando compartiste los primeros dos capítulos ¡BRAVO! Y gracias Florence por escribir el libro!
Decidimos que nuestra propuesta para la siguiente junta es describir los cinco sentidos (o pueden ser seis, ja,ja,ja) a través de una historia corta, poesía o como ustedes lo prefieran, lo importante es escuchar de su inspiración.
Y recuerden nuestra junta del mes del Abril es:
Lunes 7 de Abril en Barnes & Noble de De Zavala a las 7:00 pm
No falten, los esperamos,
Martha Curcio
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Cisneros "Follower" Needs Your Help!

The following message is from Marian Haddad, sent on behalf of Sandra Cisneros:
This is for you and to tell your friends and family, as well.
Our San Antonio linda, Sandra Cisneros, had a dog follow her all the way from San Fernando Cathedral . . . therefore, she named him Fernando which she said, "Makes me think of the song by ABBA." Anyhow, this is the deal, she already has many dogs . . . and Fernando is a dog with a big bark, she said, but very sweet . . . she said he is a Shepherd Chow mix . . . the dog is neutered and Sandra has given him his first shot, and he is ready for a home. Let me know if you are interested or if anyone is interested so I can keep Sandra posted, so she can rest assurred.
City Vet is located at 818 Austin St, San Antonio, TX 78208(210) 225-6531
Friday, April 04, 2008
National Latino Writers Conference
Albuquerque, New Mexico May 21 - 24, 2008
Call (505) 246-2261
The National Latino Writers Conference is an exciting three-day event for aspiring writers where nationally known authors, agents and editors present in workshops and panel discussions. The goal of this event is to provide a forum for writers and agents to come together to share works-in-progress and receive constructive feedback.
Click on the link below for more information and to register.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
OLLU 2008 Literary Festival
I had an opportunity yesterday to see members of our Society reading on behalf of Mujeres Writing Group, sponsored by Our Lady of the Lake University's (OLLU) Center for Women in Church and Society during OLLU's 2008 Literary Festival yesterday.
Pictured are Maria G. Madrid, Belza Ramos, Martha Curcio, (next to her creation) and Sandy Garcia.
The group read in the Blue Room of Providence Hall at OLLU to an appreciative audience.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
National Poetry Month
By Vincent Bosquez
Two stars
Twinkling brightly for each other,
Never destined to meet.
Surrounded by other stars
Equally bright,
Beautiful and unique.
A billion stars
Shining in the galaxy
Yearning to be seen by all.
Except for two stars
Twinkling brightly for each other
But never destined to meet.